Pena N., Richbourg T., Gonzalez-Hunt C.P, Qi R., Wren P., Barlow C., Shanks N.F., Carlisle H.J., Sanders L.H. (2024) G2019S selective LRRK2 kinase inhibitor abrogates mitochondrial DNA damage. NPJ Parkinsons Dis 10, 49. PMID: 38429321
Qi R.*, Sammler E.*, Gonzalez-Hunt C.P., Barraza I., Pena N, Rouanet J.P., Naaldijk Y., Goodson S., Fuzzati M., Blandini F., Erickson K.I., Weinstein A.M., Lutz M.W., Kwok J.B., Halliday G.M., Dzamko N., Padmanabhan S., Alcalay R.N., Waters C., Hogarth P., Simuni T., Smith D., Marras C., Tonelli F., Alessi D.R., West A.B., Shiva S., Hilfiker S., Sanders L.H. (2023) A blood-based marker of mitochondrial DNA damage in Parkinson’s disease. Sci Transl Med 15(711):eabo1557. PMID: 37647388
Gonzalez-Hunt C.P., Luz A.L., Turner E.A., Ilkayeva O.R., Bhatt D.P., Ryde I.T., Hirschey M.D., Meyer J.N. (2021). Multiple metabolic changes mediate the response of Caenorhabditis elegans to complex I inhibitor rotenone. Toxicology 447: 152630. PMID: 33188857
Gonzalez-Hunt C.P., Sanders L.H. (2021). DNA damage and repair in Parkinson's disease: Recent advances and new opportunities. J Neuro Res 99: 180– 189. PMID: 32048327. Recognized as a 2021-2022 top cited article in the Journal of Neuroscience Research
Parrilla Castellar E.R., Plichta J.K., Davis R., Gonzalez-Hunt C., Sanders L.H. (2020). Somatic Mutations in LRRK2 Identify a Subset of Invasive Mammary Carcinomas Associated with High Mutation Burden. Am J Pathol 190(12): 2478-2482. PMID: 32931768
Gonzalez-Hunt C.P., Thacker E.A., Toste C.M., Boularand S., Deprets S., Dubois L., Sanders L.H. (2020). Mitochondrial DNA damage as a potential biomarker of LRRK2 kinase activity in LRRK2 Parkinson’s disease. Sci Rep 10:17923. PMID: 33057100
Hartman J.H.*, Gonzalez-Hunt C.P.*, Hall S.M., Ryde I., Caldwell K.A., Caldwell G.A., Meyer J.N. (2019). Genetic defects in mitochondrial dynamics in Caenorhabditis elegans impact ultraviolet C radiation- and 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurodegeneration. Int J Mol Sci 20(13), 3202. PMID: 31261893
Gonzalez-Hunt C.P., Wadhwa M., Sanders L.H. (2018). DNA damage by oxidative stress: Measurement strategies for two genomes. Curr Opin Toxicol 7, 87-94. PMID: NA
Gonzalez-Hunt C.P., Rooney J.P., Ryde I.T., Anbalagan C., Joglekar R., Meyer J.N. (2015). PCR-based analysis of mitochondrial DNA copy number, mitochondrial DNA damage, and nuclear DNA damage. Curr Protoc in Toxicol 67:20.11.1-20.11.25. PMID: 26828332
Luz A.L., Rooney J.P., Kubik L.L., Gonzalez C.P., Song D. H., Meyer J.N. (2015). Mitochondrial morphology and fundamental parameters of the mitochondrial respiratory chain are altered in Caenorhabditis elegans strains deficient in mitochondrial dynamics and homeostasis processes. PLoS One 10(6): e0130940. PMID: 26106885
Gonzalez-Hunt C. P.*, Leung M. C. K.*, Bodhicharla R., McKeever M. G., Arrant A. E., Margillo K. M., Ryde I. T., Cyr D. D., Kosmaczewski S. G., Hammarlund M., Meyer J. N. (2014). Exposure to mitochondrial genotoxins and dopaminergic neurodegeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS One 9(12):e114459. PMID: 25486066
Rooney, J. P., Luz A. L., Gonzalez-Hunt C. P., Bodhicharla R., Ryde I. T., Anbalagan C. and Meyer J. N. (2014). Effects of 5'-Fluoro-2-deoxyuridine on Mitochondrial Biology in Caenorhabditis elegans. Exp Gerontol 56:69-76. PMID: 24704715